The new website debuts...
Hi. For those of you who haven't met me, I'm Rob Glaubitz and I am the Artistic Director of Painted Sky Opera, which is Oklahoma City's professional opera company. We finished our inaugural season in February and are now in planning for our second season. If you haven't checked it out yet, take a look at what we have in store for Oklahoma City in our 2017-18 season. As a part of this planning, we decided that we needed a new website and that's what you have been looking at. Thanks for checking it out!
Our new website contains most of what we think you might be interested in reading about - our season info, tickets, our education initiatives, info about the company, and info about how you can support Painted Sky Opera and opera in Oklahoma City. We also have included selected photos from our first season of productions. In the future, we hope to connect you to audio and video from our productions as well. If you think of something that we should include, please let us know via our Contact Us page and we'll see what we can do about adding it.
As I was pondering over what Painted Sky Opera's new website should contain, I realized that it would be great to include a blog - some sort of way we could connect in a different way about our thoughts and inspirations for Painted Sky Opera in a less structured way than the rest of our website. It also gives us a chance to do something interesting with interviewing our artists and backstage access in a way that is more permanently available than typical social media will allow. I think it's fascinating to read these types of blogs on other opera company websites (Wolf Trap Opera does it particularly well) and I thought others might be interested in what we do as well. So, you are reading the first entry of that blog. Hope you come back and read more entries! I promise that they will be more interesting than this one.
We'll let you know if we have particular blog posts for which we want comments, but most of them will be one-way only. That's not to stifle feedback - we love that! But, it's easier for us to sort through it if the feedback is given through emails using our Contact Us page or on our Facebook page. Please do give us feedback about the website, our season, or whatever you choose.
Looking forward to sharing more thoughts with you in the future!